Derthona, Marco Picchi sheds light on the market and season goals

Tortona, Marco Picchi sheds light on the market and season goals
Following the signing of TaShawn Thomas, Bertram Derthona president Marco Picchi spoke about the new roster and the Piedmontese club’s ambitions for the upcoming season.
“It looks to me like an ambitious and renewed team. I think goals should be achieved on the field, so we will give an answer to this question in the spring. We wanted to lengthen the roster and increase our physical rate,” began the HCL president as reported by “Sportando”
“I think Reyer is the main candidate to be the third force in the league. Brescia, with only one commitment a week, will fight for the top. Among the others, I think Reggio Emilia is building a very interesting roster,” the president added.
“I think the most difficult negotiations were those for Weems and Baldasso. To get Kyle it was necessary to make a decision that was not easy, in a very short time. Sometimes, though, it is necessary to take risks. For Tommaso, on the other hand, during the Olimpia-Virtus Scudetto final I was on edge when he entered the court. We had an agreement in principle but it was incumbent on him to confront Milan for a final decision at the end of the season. Let’s say that during the Finals I wasn’t his biggest fan,” Marco Picchi commented.