Venice routs Varese, Neven Spahija: “We knew what to do.”

Stands at the top of the standings, congratulations come to the team.
Reyer Venezia still ahead of everyone in the A Series, after the victory obtained on the court of Varese (92-103 the final result). The Orogranata then restart after the home loss to Napoli, and Neven Spahija extols his team for getting the better of the hosts and finding adequate countermoves to their proven ability from the arc.
"Today from start to finish we were able to play better than Varese,” Spahija stressed.
The reason è that we took the court knowing what we wanted to do. When they came to Venice they had scored 17 triples, and they were very incisive in that respect today as well. I am però convinced that both in Italy and in Europe, games are not decided only by baskets from three".
The victory in Venice has forò other keys to interpretation as well. " We prepared ourselves to control rebounds and face them under the basket. We were aware that they do not like to defend inside the area, and these two details were crucial in our tactics. Knowing them and applying them made us the best team on the court tonight", concluded Spahija.