Virtus Bologna goes to Venice: Luca Banchi gives ultimatum

The words of Luca Banchi ahead of Reyer Venezia-Virtus Bologna
After the knockout in the Euroderby against Olimpia Milano, Virtus Bologna is awaiting an away challenge against Reyer Venezia, where the goal will be to try to break the streak of three consecutive knockouts between the league and the Euroleague. On the eve of the match, the head coach of the Felsinei Luca Banchi presented in a press conference the competition that awaits his boys.
"Reyer Venezia comes to this game on the heels of two important successes against Olimpia Milano and GeVi Napoli, which allowed them to confirm themselves at the top of the standings, as also happened for a good part of last season" began the coach of the felsinei.
"Already" in the first game they have shown their potential" and their qualities", so we will be obliged to provide a test of great substance and personality" if we want to hope to get out of this negative moment" added Luca Banchi.