Evelina Christillin defends Massimiliano Allegri and promotes Thiago Motta

Evelina Christillin defends Massimiliano Allegri and promotes Thiago Motta
During an intervention at the microphones of "Radio Anch'io Sport", FIFA advisor Evelina Christillin, among the various topics discussed, bluntly expressed herself on the abrupt ending of the relationship between Juventus and Massimiliano Allegri and on the future of the Bianconeri bench.
"A sad epilogue the one between Allegri and Juventus. One must be thankful for all he has done, twice leading Juve. Especially last year he kept an exceptional coolness and control in a dramatic year for the club, in all respects. Gratitude both from the point of view of sport and of managing a deep crisis off the field" began the FIFA adviser.
"What è happened in the Italian Cup final è was the straw that broke the camel’s back in a tense situation. Of course, it does him no credit to behave like that, perhaps it would have been better to try to go all the way and end a relationship that is now compromised anyway, forò gratitude remains no matter what" added the well-known Juventus fan.
"In view of the challenge with Bologna I would like to wish good luck to my friend Paolo Montero. It's a trial by fire, although by now the two teams have achieved their goals. Thiago Motta has been talked about for quite some time and for me he would be an excellent afare. From what I read and hear he will be; he will be the next Juventus coach. He has proven his abilities on the field. The club will restartà from young people and we hope it can continue to honor its history" concluded Evelina Christillin.