Francesco Camarda show, Italy Under-17 in triumph

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Italy-Portugal 3-0

Historic triumph for Italy Under-17 team, which became European champions for the first time in history in the category. In the final of the continental review played in Cyprus, the boys coached by Favo beat the same-aged players of Portugal 3-0 in a one-sided match.

Coletta unblocked the result right away, on 7', before Milan jewel Francesco Camarda went on the rampage who sealed a stunning double: beautiful in particular the 2-0 that actually closed the score, after dribbling two Lusitanian defenders.

Camarda had expressed himself this way on the eve of the match: "No one could have imagined that we would make it this far because, in the first phase of qualification, we failed to express ourselves at our best, which, fortunately, we did both in the élite phase and in this final phase. If I was able to showcase myself, credit è to my teammates, who put me in a position to do so".

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