Awudu Abass speaks out on possible renewal with Virtus Bologna

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Awudu Abass warns Virtus Bologna

During an interview given to the microphones of the "Corriere dello Sport", blue wing Awudu Abass, among the various topics covered, dwelt on his future at Virtus Bologna, since his contract with the Felsinei will expire next June 30 and the parties would not yet meet to discuss a possible extension.

"The National Team and the Pre-Olympic are my priorities at the moment. On the future, however, I wait for Virtus, as soon as they decide to come to me I will beò well willing to try to find an agreement. Meanwhile forò I am looking around, sinceè June 30 my contract expires and I can not risk being without a team" began the blue wing.

"At the beginning of the season I was one of the last on the roster, even in plain clothes in the first Euroleague game. In Game 4 for the championship I started in the quintet. I managed to climb the mountain, I am a tenacious and è a gift that my mother passed on to me" continued the Como native.

"Every training session, every minute I play for me è a challenge and an opportunity to contribute. I am not arrogant, but a competitive person with the willà to always give my best. If I have to thank someone I think of the fans, who have always been fantastic" concluded Awudu Abass.

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