Napoli challenges Olimpia Milano and Virtus Bologna

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The prestigious international event of the "Giffoni Film Festival" wanted to dedicate a special section to the success of Napoli Basket in the Italian Cup. The president of the Azzurri company Federico Grassi, in the presence of many young people, wanted to retrace the main stages that brought Napoli Basket back to the top of Italian basketball. 

"Six years ago thanks to the fundamental and constant support of the Tavassi and Amoroso family, we tried to achieve the goal of bringing Napoli back to basketball d'Élite. A kind of "lucid madness" started from the Casalnuovo arena in Serie B, passed to the achievement of two miraculous sports salvation, until arriving, thanks to the contribution of the CEO Alessandro Dalla Salda and the Head of the Technical Sports Area Pedro Llompart, to the historic victory in the Italian Cup".

"Naples è a complex city, it is not è easy to convince sponsors to support our project. The primary goal, which excites me and makes me happy, è to have brought the fans close to the team again. The success of the Italian Cup è was an indescribable emotion dedicated especially to our fantastic fans. We regret not being able to retain the star players of last season because of the demand for an increase in their salaries. In basketball you should not get attached to players, especially foreigners who sign annual contracts. I understand the fans’ expectations, but we need to be realistic and proceed with the policy of small steps".

"Another reason for great satisfaction è was to have reached, with the Italian Cup final between Napoli Basket and Armani Milano, the highest TV audience figure of the entire season. We try to grow hoping to get closer and closer to the Milan-Bologna duopoly but it is not è easy. We thank our sponsors who are constantly by our side, but we cannot work miracles. We have to proceed on our path by continuing to follow the path of the youth sector as well, where we remain very vigilant and attentive. Finally, in the hope that good news will come for the new PalaEventi in Naples, we are committed to social work together with the City of Naples, and we will soon present a project that will involveà all the neighborhoods of the cityà".

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