Vero Volleyball Milan, winning debut signed Paola Egonu

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Milan-Novara 3-0

The first test match of the season smiles on Vero Volley Milano which in three sets overcomes Novara at’Opiquad Arena and confirms what was good seen during the first phase of preparation for the 2024/2025 season. Orro and her teammates thus put gasoline in the engine in view of the next seasonal appointments: on September 20-21 in Courmayeur (preseason tournament) and on September 28 in Rome (Italian Supercup Final).

Lavarini starts with the blue diagonal Orro-Egonu, in the band Sylla and Daalderop, in the middle Kurtagic and Heyrman and free Gelin. Point-to-point start with the two teams tasting the first exchanges of the season, on 10-10 signed by Egonu the pace starts to get higher but both teams remain at minimum distance from each other. The first break of the fraction comes on 12-15 Piedmontese forcing Lavarini to time-out; a move that yields a quick comeback (16-16) and a subsequent break on 20-17. The set-point of the Milanese è plate Egonu, in great form this’day, with a delicious tight diagonal (25-20). In the second set coach Lavarini makes no changes, the rosablu at mid-set gain a 4-point lead that they manage until 25-19 Sylla’s final. The third set opens with newcomers Cazaute, Danesi and Fukudome, taking over from Sylla, Heyrman and Gelin respectively; the newcomers immediately make important plays setting the score at 17-9 Vero Volley. The set quickly slips to the final 25-20 for the hosts.

“It’was a good test match – comments coach Lavarini – today’s goal was to break the ice playing against a level opponent. The main focuses were on ball change and offense, aspects on which we need to maximize our work in the coming weeks. Some good things were seen instead on wall-defense correlation and the subsequent break”.

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