Bahrain Victorious is ready to embrace the ‘new’ Sonny Colbrelli

Bahrain Victorious is ready to embrace the ‘new’ Sonny Colbrelli
Bahrain Victorious is ready to embrace the ‘new’ Sonny Colbrelli: having hung up his bike, the Desenzano del Garda native will remain with the team under a new guise: “We are delighted with his decision, in this new role he will be able to continue to share his experience with our team and it will be very important for development. Sonny has been part of this team since the beginning: he is a champion and I am glad we could give him the support to achieve incredible results. The most important thing is that he is well,” said CEO Milan Erzen in a team note.
“I was happy to see how the children took me as a role model over the past few months. Maybe, I tell myself, because the man covered in mud looks a bit like a superhero. For them I would like to do something sooner or later,” Colbrelli’s words.