World Cup, Federica Brignone aims for podium in first giant slalom

Brignone aims for podium in Killington
Federica Brignone spoke to official FISI channels ahead of the World Cup season opener, on the Killington slope in the United States.
The Italian is definitely among the main candidates to take the podium in the first stage of the season.
“Like every year, the training held in Copper was fruitful. It was very cold, I caught a cold that still did not prevent me from skiing every day, still now I am not completely rid of it. In addition to the speed and the giant, I also managed to do some slalom turns, in training I’m doing good things, I’m happy finally to start the season, because if usually we are used to say that Soelden come maybe a little too early, this time we have to say that Killington comes probably a little late, given all the cancellations there have been. I face the giant slalom with lightheartedness, from this weekend we will practically not stop until the end of the cup, these are the conditions that most stimulate and entertain me,” Brignone said.