Napoli, Mario Giuffredi sheds light on the future of Matteo Politano and Giovanni Di Lorenzo

Mario Giuffredi sheds light on the future of Matteo Politano and Giovanni Di Lorenzo
During an interview at the microphones of local newspaper "CalcioNapoli24", agent Mario Giuffredi was unabashed about the future of Matteo Politano, whose contract with Napoli will expire on June 30, 2025. In addition, in the last few days, the footballer has reportedly ended up in the crosshairs of Al-Shabab.
The offer from Arabia è real and very concrete, forò Matteoè s thoughts have always been to end his career here. The choice will be made by the president, who obviously è knows everything. As for the renewal, we have been talking about it for months. We are waiting for what he è has been promised to materialize. We know that we will have to make a major renunciation economically, but Politano è willing to do it for the love of Naples, forò you canò not pretend nothing and get by for life" these are the words of the'agent of the former Sassuolo.
Mario Giuffredi, in addition, during an intervention to "Radio Napoli Centrale", also wanted to shed light on the future of Azzurri captain Giovanni Di Lorenzo, who è been the subject of numerous criticisms during this first part of the season: "Some things I said were interpreted in the wrong way. We renewed our contract months ago and from our side there's a will to stay here for life. It's only fair that when things go wrong, players take the booing and criticism, and John is aware of that, as evidenced by the fact that he is putting his face on it now that things are going wrong.
Fans, however, should keep in mind that he is not è the only one who is having a season below expectations, but è a general team situation. I am sorry that people have a short memory, and in June we will draw conclusions and make our evaluations".