NBA, Kawhi Leonard toasts: 152.4 million for three seasons

Leonard was one of the most coveted players for the summer 2024
A surprise hit that confirms how the LA Clippers are now thinking big. As confirmed by ESPN, è official the agreement between Leonard and the franchise for the extension of the existing contract for three more seasons. Definitely big numbers, considering that the 1991 class All Star signed a three-year deal worth a whopping $152.4 million total.
In short, the LA Clippers take off the free agent market one of the most coveted for the summer 2024, showing that they want, at all costs, to try to fight for the NBA ring (never won in the history of the LA Clippers, always seen as the "poor cousins" of the LA Lakers). In Los Angeles, Clippers side, from 2019, Leonard will therefore stay there until the 2026/27 season.
Having found the agreement with Leonard, the LA Clippers management would be working to reach an understanding also with the franchise's other star, namely George. Being able to armor the two All Stars would be the best way to show up in the new Intuit Dome, which is scheduled to open next season. In short, the LA Clippers are serious. All warned.