Vero Volley Monza, Ibrahim Lawani can’t wait to start again

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Ibrahim Lawani returns to Vero Volleyball

Vero Volley Monza announced, on Tuesday, the return to its ranks of Ibrahim Lawani, French opposite player class 2001 who had already dressed the Consortium uniform last season, except being forced to the farewell (which, therefore, turned out to be a goodbye) in November 2023.

"I am very happy to return to wear the Monza jersey, which I had to leave after a few months due to an injury last year,” Lawani himself told official club channels.

For the past six months, I have been working on my comeback and my shoulder is gradually getting stronger, thanks to the support of my physiotherapist Erwan Tanguy and the Cape Breton rehabilitation center".

"I recently did my first training sessions in Monza to test my shoulder, and I am progressing very well with the staff. I can't wait to return for the championship and return to perform at the highest level" then concluded the French talent, who with the national Under 22 team won the silver medal at the European Championships in 2022, in addition to individual awards for best opposite and best scorer.

Ibrahim Lawani made his debut among the 'big' in 2018-19 with federal club France Avenir, before moving to Paris Volleyball, where he played from 2019 to February 2023. From there, the move to Italy, first to Taranto, until the end of 2022/23, then to Vero Volley Monza, with which he is about to start again the adventure interrupted seven months ago.

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