Luca Vialli excites again thanks to Luca Dal Monte

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Great emotions in Cremona

"È a book of love for a friend of ours". In a nutshell, Luca Dal Monte, author of ‘Luca Vialli. Da Cremona a Londra, la vita straordinaria di un campione in campo e fuori’ (Cairo editore), has perfectly summarized his latest splendid work: the first complete and authorized biography of the former striker.

Dal Monte, author among others of the masterpiece Ferrari Rex, the biography of the ‘Drake’, did so in a fascinating setting, Cremona’s Teatro Ponchielli, and with exceptional guests, who spoke before a packed audience: particularly touching were the speeches of Nino, a brother of the bomber, who also wrote the preface to the volume, Narciso Pezzotti, who paired with Vujadin Boskov was at the helm of Sampdoria in the year of the historic Scudetto, and also some of Vialli’s friends, boys with whom he kicked his first kicks.

Also splendid were the words of Marco Nicoletti, unforgettable Cremonese center forward, who literally saw the talent of his young teammate explode, Clara Mondonico, daughter of the unforgettable Emiliano, and Francesca Mantovani, daughter of Paolo, president of the Blucerchiati in the golden years, who did not want to miss the national preview of the book.

Closing the’speech by Antonio Cabrini, 1982 World Cup champion, Vialli’s partner in the national team at the 1986 World Cup, and a Cremonese doc. "Luca, keep running, keep pushing. Becauseé the field never ends": the message sent, amid applause and amid a few tears, to a dear friend who isn’t there anymore. But who è more alive than ever also thanks to the work of Dal Monte and all the people who, with their memories and anecdotes, contributed to 'Luca Vialli. From Cremona to London, the Extraordinary Life of a Champion on and off the Field'another masterpiece by Dal Monte, but above all a book of love.



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