Valentino Rossi, admission about MotoGp and Luca Marini: “Always tense.”

Valentino Rossi: “MotoGp continues to give me adrenaline rush even now that I watch the races.”
Valentino Rossi in an interview with Solomoto admitted that he always follows MotoGp races and his brother Luca Marini with some apprehension: “When I see a race, even if it’s not the same race as when I used to race, I always have a good adrenaline rush. I get very tense because my brother is there racing, and I keep enjoying MotoGp because it’s a great show.”
The difference with the cars: “There are more details with the cars, from the outside it doesn’t look so complex. MotoGp are less complicated races than these, because in motorcycles you usually go out and try to go as fast as you can to the end. When you come from MotoGp, it’s hard to find something that excites you more, it’s a very strong, permanent adrenaline rush. Despite that, I really enjoy riding in the car.”