Derthona, Marco Ramondino open-hearted about Olimpia Milano and Virtus Bologna

Tortona: comes coach Ramondino’s admission: “Next year we will play for a European cup.”
After being eliminated in the LBA playoff semifinals, Bertram Derthona coach Marco Ramondino spoke bluntly about the aspects to be improved in order to catch up with the league’s top two, Olimpia Milano and Virtus Bologna.
“Olimpia and Virtus have grown further, they have included great talents in their rosters and are led by the best coaches, Ettore Messina and Sergio Scariolo. They have tried to improve themselves by seeking advantages from the market. Their strength and superiority is obvious, but for us they must be a source of inspiration. A reality like ours, which aspires to improve, is called to go further,” the head coach of the Piedmontese team began to “Corriere dello Sport.”
“In 13 years, Tortona has gone from the C to the Scudetto semifinals. Next season we will play for a European cup. We increase our awareness from year to year, ready to take advantage of other teams’ bad seasons, as happened in the recent past to Venice and Sassari, for example,” added Marco Ramondino.