Lautaro Martinez, renewal still in the balance: agent is sibylline

Lautaro Martinez, renewal è still in the balance
On the field goals and smiles, off a future still to be decided: one can summarize with these words the current moment of Lautaro Martinez, Inter captain and man-goalkeeper of the Beneamata in the Super Cup, but also protagonist of a very long negotiation for the renewal of the contract that binds him to the Nerazzurri colors, still without a definitive way.
Alejandro Camano, agent of the 'Toro', è sibylline in his statements and leaves nothing to be understood: "Lautaro è at a very high level – he said during an interview to 'Radio Sportiva' -, then finding an agreement is not è easy there are so many aspects to discuss, today there isn't yet a real agreement, soì we stay calm and talk with Inter with constancy".
For Lautaro’s representative è however, it is necessary to stay focused on sports results: "Now the important thing è the team, the moment, and he è happy. Lautaro è arrived that he was a boy and grew so much: today è a done player, è the captain, he has two and a half years of contract, there's plenty of time to talk, forò we negotiate. Today the focus è on doing great in Serie A and Champions".
"What you notice è that humanly è good, humble, he is well in his team and has a project – Camano then added -, then if we come to an agreement great, otherwise in soccer everyone is a professional. The ideas are close, for now there isn't an agreement and we work for that".