Women’s 20km march triumphant for Italy at European Championships in Rome

20km women’s march triumphant for Italy at European Championships in Rome
It began with a triumph for Italy at the European Athletics Championships in Rome. Olympic champion Antonella Palmisano won the gold medal in the women’s 20-kilometer march and Valentina Trapletti took silver. Palmisano covered the distance in one hour, 28 minutes and 9 seconds, 28 ahead of Trapletti, who at 1h28’37” set her personal best.
The bronze è went to the Ukrainian Lyudmila Olyanovska in 1h28’48”, 39 seconds behind the 32-year-old from Puglia, who after the 2018 European bronze wins the most beautiful metal. For Trapletti, 38, è however, the first major medal.
"We wanted to take control of the situation from the first meter and we did,” Palmisano said. “I am happy with the course and after years I enjoyed it. I found pleasure in training and experiencing this emotion. Everyone spurred me on today for this result to come".
"I am incredulous, but I believed it. I did not expect such a great result – added Trapletti – Thanks to the public that was è heard from the first to the last kilometer. Beautiful race in a crazy setting, the course around the Stadio dei Marmi stupendous".