Record-breaking prize money for the European Championships in Rome

Record-breaking prize money for European Championships in Rome
A prize pool of 500 thousand euros, ten top results to be rewarded with a bonus of 50 thousand euros each at the Rome 2024 European Championships.
European Athletics has made the project official, which aims to highlight the value of particular performances achieved during the continental review scheduled to take place in Rome from June 7 to 12.
È an unprecedented decision for the European Championships: the bonus will be allocated to the athletes who achieve the highest score based on the World Athletics tables in the ten identified areas (sprints and hurdles, middle and cross-country, throws, jumps and finally road, multiple events, relays, between women and men).
"È a historic step forward,” commented the president of European Athletics, Dobromir Karamarinov. “To ensure that our sport remains healthy and high-profile in the future, we need to be innovative, particularly with our flagship event, the European Championships. We want top European athletes to deliver their best performances, and we believe these bonuses can help achieve that goal'quot;.