Olimpia Milano-Virtus Bologna blizzard, Gianni Petrucci intervenes

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Bufera Olimpia Milano-Virtus Bologna, Gianni Petrucci intervenes

Very tense atmosphere after the refereeing controversy generated at the end of game-3 of the scudetto final between Olimpia Milano and Virtus Bologna. After the back-and-forth between Ettore Messina and Luca Banchi è came also the blizzard on social media to further overheat the atmosphere. In view of game-4, Federbasket president Gianni Petrucci è wanted to intervene with a note to calm tones.

"FIP President Giovanni Petrucci considers it a duty to call all the protagonists of the LBA Playoff Final to ethical behavior on and off the court".

"The investments made by all club properties, the extraordinary public following that our sport è is capable of generating, the passion that everyone instills in their respective roles deserve a context of fair play and mutual respect".

"Our referees must be placed in the optimal conditions to take the field serene and focused on their task.È a duty that involves every single person in our world starting with the President himself. All the components must be able to give joy, offering a technical spectacle that è of absolute level in a frame of values of equal depth".

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